Gourmet gyoza specialty restaurant recommended in Naka-ku, Hiroshima City|Japanese-Style Pubs|Smoking OK|All-you-can-eat|All-you-can-drink ◎

Gourmet gyoza specialty restaurant recommended in Naka-ku, Hiroshima City|Japanese-Style Pubs|Smoking OK|All-you-can-eat|All-you-can-drink ◎
Currently operating gyoza specialty restaurants mainly in Naka-ku, Hiroshima City!
[Course Information
Must-see for those who want to choose their favorite dishes by themselves! Single free drink 120 minutes 1890 yen (tax included) ◆ [LO 15 minutes before
広島市内での歓送迎会は餃子家龍におまかせ♪ 主役の方へのサプライズもOK!
花束の手配の代行も承ります!集合写真もお撮りします! インスタ映え間違いなしの自慢の餃子や本格中華料理が盛りだくさん!
Also recommended for women's parties!
For banquets and private parties in Hiroshima City, Gyoza House Ryu is the place to be!

2Hの飲み放題&食べ放題付き! 集合写真などもお撮りしますので、お気軽にお声かけください!

Thorough measures against coronavirus infection
We ask staff to record their temperature and physical condition when they arrive at work, wash their hands, sanitize table menus, provide thorough ventilation, ensure proper seating spacing, install acrylic boards, and ask customers to take their temperature and spray themselves with alcohol when entering the restaurant.

# Dumpling
# Hiroshima Gourmet
# Gyoza
# Gyoza
# Hiroshima Dinner
# Dumpling lover
# Hiroshima Izakaya
# Hiroshima Chinese
# Hiroshima Gyoza
#Hiroshima Gourmet is Gyoza Iryu
# Dumpling House Dragon
# All you can drink
# All you can eat
